Winner Again

The July Hoosier Super Tour race at Laguna Seca would be the final race of the 2019 season for BHR. The remainder of the year would be spent moving back home to Indiana, and preparing for the 2020 Pro F1600 season.

We were hoping for a good finish, and Courtney Crone would deliver once again. Race 1 started with the usual suspects up front. Chuck Horn started form pole, Courtney was second, and Denny Renfrow was third. But by the finish, Courtney would take control and the win! Piper DL7 designer Doug Learned Jr had his best run of the season holding off Chuck Horn for a well deserved 2nd place finish. Chuck Horn, Brad Hayes, and Denny Renfrow rounded out the top five at the finish.

Sunday’s Race 2 was another battle between Courtney and Chuck, but this time Chuck Horn would come home with the win. The top five at the finish were Chuck Horn, Courtney Crone, Brad Hayes, Doug Learned Jr, and Mike Bernstein.


Another Win!